robustfa 2023-03-22
- version 1.1-0
- fix code to have the package back on CRAN
- fix code to comply with CRAN remarks during the submission process
robustfa 2013-11-09
- version 1.0-5
- in util.R:
- computeScores():
add res$correlation = correlation
add res$reducedCorrelation = NULL
change res$eigenvalues = eigen(S)$values
- in factorScorePca.R:
- add res$reducedCorrelation = NULL,
- change res$eigenvalues = eigen(S)$values
- in factorScorePfa.R:
- res$covariance = covariance
- res$correlation = correlation
- res$reducedCorrelation = reducedCorrelation
- change res$eigenvalues = eigen(S)$values
- in AllClasses.R:
- add slots for Fa: cor, reducedCorrelation
- in FaClassic.R and FaCov.R
- add slot: cor, reducedCorrelation
- in Fa.R
- revise method: summary
robustfa 2013-10-15
- version 1.0-4
- large revision
- in util.R:
- add compute_cov_cor()
- revise computeScores()
- in factorScorePca.R and factorScorePfa.R:
- add a variable scaledX
- change the formula of computation of F
3) add cor argument
4) add the following components of return value: covariance, usedMatrix
- in FaClassic.R and FaCov.R
- add cor argument
- add the following codes:
if(scoresMethod != "none" && method == "mle")
out <- computeScores(out, x = data, covmat = covmat, cor = cor, scoresMethod = scoresMethod)
- add slots: covariance, usedMatrix
- add slots for Fa: covariance, usedMatrix
- revise getFa()
- revise summary()
- revise predict()
robustfa 2012-06-21
- version 1.0-03
- Depends: methods, robustbase, pcaPP, mvtnorm, rrcov, R (>= 2.15.0)
Because the most recent robustfa 1.0-02 update does not work with R-oldrelease (i.e. R-2.14.2).
robustfa 2012-06-16
- version 1.0-02
- Depends: methods, robustbase, pcaPP, mvtnorm, rrcov
- Imports: stats4, stats
- Suggests: grid, lattice, cluster, mclust, MASS, ellipse
- importFrom(stats4, plot, summary, show)
- importFrom(rrcov, getCenter, getEigenvalues, getLoadings, getQuan, getScores, getSdev)
robustfa 2012-05-10
- version 1.0-01
- in AllClasses.R:
- add Fa@: communality, scoringCoef, meanF, corF
- in FaClassic.R:
- add res@: communality, scoringCoef, meanF, corF
- change scores to outComputeScores
- add res@: communality, scoringCoef, meanF, corF
- change scores to outComputeScores
- in factorScorePfa.R:
- change res$correlation
- change res$eigenvalues
- add correlation=R
- in utils.R:
- change the function computeScores() a lot
- computeScores.Rd:
- revise \value{}
- revise \examples{}