tester - Tests and Checks Characteristics of R Objects

Allows users to test characteristics of common R objects.

Last updated 11 months ago

6.45 score 4 dependents 83 scripts 1.9k downloads

networkABC - Network Reverse Engineering with Approximate Bayesian Computation

We developed an inference tool based on approximate Bayesian computation to decipher network data and assess the strength of the inferred links between network's actors. It is a new multi-level approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) approach. At the first level, the method captures the global properties of the network, such as a scale-free structure and clustering coefficients, whereas the second level is targeted to capture local properties, including the probability of each couple of genes being linked. Up to now, Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) algorithms have been scarcely used in that setting and, due to the computational overhead, their application was limited to a small number of genes. On the contrary, our algorithm was made to cope with that issue and has low computational cost. It can be used, for instance, for elucidating gene regulatory network, which is an important step towards understanding the normal cell physiology and complex pathological phenotype. Reverse-engineering consists in using gene expressions over time or over different experimental conditions to discover the structure of the gene network in a targeted cellular process. The fact that gene expression data are usually noisy, highly correlated, and have high dimensionality explains the need for specific statistical methods to reverse engineer the underlying network.

Last updated 2 years ago

4.34 score 4 stars 11 scripts 242 downloads

sageR - Applied Statistics for Economics and Management with R

Datasets and functions for the book "Statistiques pour l’économie et la gestion", "Théorie et applications en entreprise", F. Bertrand, Ch. Derquenne, G. Dufrénot, F. Jawadi and M. Maumy, C. Borsenberger editor, (2021, ISBN:9782807319448, De Boeck Supérieur, Louvain-la-Neuve). The first chapter of the book is dedicated to an introduction to statistics and their world. The second chapter deals with univariate exploratory statistics and graphics. The third chapter deals with bivariate and multivariate exploratory statistics and graphics. The fourth chapter is dedicated to data exploration with Principal Component Analysis. The fifth chapter is dedicated to data exploration with Correspondance Analysis. The sixth chapter is dedicated to data exploration with Multiple Correspondance Analysis. The seventh chapter is dedicated to data exploration with automatic clustering. The eighth chapter is dedicated to an introduction to probability theory and classical probability distributions. The ninth chapter is dedicated to an estimation theory, one-sample and two-sample tests. The tenth chapter is dedicated to an Gaussian linear model. The eleventh chapter is dedicated to an introduction to time series. The twelfth chapter is dedicated to an introduction to probit and logit models. Various example datasets are shipped with the package as well as some new functions.

Last updated 2 years ago

4.18 score 2 stars 15 scripts 230 downloads